A picture of me

Hi, I'm Jeremy LinkedIn Badge

I'm a Development Director at Viget. We build top-notch campaign, organizational, and large content sites on WordPress and Craft CMS.

I am fascinated with well-crafted websites and believe that design systems are strategic, lasting investments in an organization's digital communication. Their implementation should be resilient, flexible, and extendable, aiming to maintain the design vision by enforcing content production quality and anticipating future requirements.

As a leader and manager at Viget, I am passionate about leading a team of developers to produce their best work and fostering an environment based on continual learning and excellence.

While I haven't been a freelance designer and developer for years, you can check out my archive for a sample of my work.

What Input jsDelivr hits (npm)

I'm the author and maintainer of What Input, a helpful little accessibility-minded script that detects how a page is being interacted with in real-time so that developers and designers can build more useful and beautiful UIs.

Check out What Input on GitHub

Selected Writing

About This Site

This site was built using the latest techniques in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The particulars include Astro + Markdown, Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, and Khula from Google Fonts.